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Category: Whitepaper

Microsoft Fabric

Webinar: Introducción a Microsoft Fabric en 60 minutos

Webinar: Introducción a Microsoft Fabric en 60 minutos Obtenga más valor de sus datos con Microsoft Fabric, una plataforma de análisis basada en IA que unifica sus datos y servicios. Fabric es una solución de análisis todo en uno para empresas que cubre todo, desde el movimiento de datos hasta la ciencia de datos, análisis en tiempo real e inteligencia empresarial. Ofrece un conjunto completo de servicios, que incluyen lago de datos, ingeniería de datos e integración de datos, todo en un solo lugar. Vea este webinar para obtener una visión completa de Microsoft Fabric, donde los miembros de nuestro equipo de defensa de datos exploran cómo: Configurar y comenzar a trabajar con su primer conjunto de datos en Fabric Desglosar silos de datos y desbloquear la colaboración con OneLake Prepárese para el nuevo examen de certificación DP-600 Fabric, además de obtener consejos y trucos basados en roles para sacar el máximo provecho de Fabric Cuéntenos más sobre usted.

Benefícios do Azure para Windows Server e SQL Server

Melhor no Azure: os benefícios do uso do Azure para workloads do Windows Server e do SQL Server

Melhor no Azure: os benefícios do uso do Azure para workloads do Windows Server e do SQL Server Aproveite os benefícios do Azure para Windows Server e SQL Server e transforme suas operações com escalabilidade, segurança e desempenho aprimorado na nuvem. Descubra por que o Azure é o destino ideal para seus workloads do Windows Server e do SQL Server. Com o Azure, você obtém preço competitivo, performance, segurança e inovação com base em 25 anos de experiência. Leia este e-book para saber mais sobre o que você ganha ao migrar seus workloads para o Azure: Segurança de ponta a ponta que é fácil de implementar e gerenciar, incluindo amplos recursos de conformidade. Suporte para inovação rápida com serviços totalmente gerenciados em aplicativos, dados e infraestrutura. Soluções híbridas conectadas projetadas do zero para unir perfeitamente ambientes na infraestrutura local e na nuvem. Inúmeras vantagens de custos ajudam a maximizar os investimentos, com vários benefícios disponíveis apenas no Azure. Fale um pouco sobre você.

Modern Analytics and Governance at Scale

Modern Analytics and Governance at Scale

Modern Analytics and Governance at Scale Learn how modern analytics and governance at scale empower enterprises with better data security, compliance, and decision-making for long-term success. Discover a simplified approach to building an end-to-end analytics ecosystem that uses key elements of the data mesh, data fabric, and data hub frameworks. Get this Microsoft white paper to explore best practices refined by Microsoft over two decades and see implementation phases that flex to meet your needs. Read Modern Analytics and Governance at Scale to learn how to: Get more value from your data, responsibly make data and tools widely available, and unify data to improve collaboration and insights. Empower all your lines of business with data-driven insights to help them pursue new revenue opportunities, boost efficiency, and stay competitive. Develop an enterprise data strategy that considers people, processes, culture, and technology—to create an innovative environment that helps everyone do their best work. Achieve scalable analytics and governance with Microsoft’s comprehensive suite of products and services. Tell us a little about yourself.

Unify Your Data Analytics

Unify your data analytics to gain deeper insights and supercharge growth

Unify your data analytics to gain deeper insights and supercharge growth Discover how to unify your data analytics to drive smarter decisions and unlock new growth opportunities. Leverage data for better efficiency and business success. Empower your team and streamline your analytics to extract more value from your data in the era of AI. Get the e-book Accelerating Business Insights with Unified Analytics to learn how to eliminate data silos, drive productivity, reduce costs, and derive valuable predictive insights using Microsoft Fabric and Azure Databricks. Read the e-book to: Prepare your organization and team to optimize AI-enabled business insights with unified analytics. See how enhanced visibility with real-time analytics can increase business value and growth. Explore integrated analytics use cases and see how Fabric makes it easy for team members to apply real-time analytics to impact business objectives and outcomes. Tell us a little about yourself.

Protección de la migración

Protección de la migración

Protección de la migración Descubre las mejores prácticas para la protección de la migración. Asegura la seguridad de tus datos y evita interrupciones en el proceso de transición. Para obtener la seguridad que su organización necesita, migre sus cargas de trabajo de Windows Server y SQL Server a Azure. Con sus cargas de trabajo migradas de forma segura, podrá comenzar a impulsar la innovación con herramientas con tecnología de IA y que priorizan la nube. Obtenga este eBook para aprender a: Implementar los tres componentes de un entorno de TI seguro: inteligencia sobre amenazas, cumplimiento y consolidación de herramientas. Adoptar fácilmente estándares de seguridad fundamentales, como la autenticación multifactor y los principios de Confianza cero, mediante la migración. Comenzar a innovar con las soluciones de Azure a su propio ritmo una vez que migre a la nube. Cuéntenos más sobre usted.

PowerStore Prime

PowerStore Prime​

PowerStore Prime​ Dell Technologies recently announced PowerStore Prime, which is a comprehensive integrated offering that combines new all-flash storage advancements with strategic business advantages to help organizations compete in an AI-accelerated yet economically challenged world.PowerStore Prime includes both product and program components that help organizations leverage Dell’s unique position as a technology leader, including the company’s broad enterprise portfolio and its global ecosystem of trusted partners and distributors Read More Please fill the form below to download the whitepaper.


The Case For An Accelerated Device Refresh Cycle

The Case For An Accelerated Device Refresh Cycle Companies are updating their device strategies for more flexible work environments. Security breaches and more flexible working styles are driving companies to rethink their approaches to device management and refresh. While the majority of respondents are pursuing a traditional three or four-year refresh, many are seeing the potential benefits of moving to an accelerated refresh model. Download this case study to know how outdated devices cause poor end-user experiences and expose potentially costly security vulnerabilities. Learn more about Dell Technologies solutions powered by Intel® Read More Please fill the form below to download the whitepaper.

The marketing Executives guide to leading business Transformation

The Marketing Executive’s Guide to Leading Business Transformation

Please fill the form below to download the whitepaper. The Marketing Executive’s Guide to Leading Business Transformation Customer expectations rise, competition grows, and channels multiply The only way for companies to overcome these challenges is through genuine business transformations. This guide digs into four key disciplines marketers should focus on to jump-start business transformation in their companies. It also features survey results from teams that are leveraging collaborative work management to rise to the challenge. What’s in the eBook Survey findings include: 55% of marketers complete projects 1.5-2x faster with Wrike 75% have seen significant improvement in work quality 43% cut asset review and approval times in half 53% have improved work visibility by 50%+ Read More

8K-360-Degree Live Streaming Media Events

Producing Live 8K, 360-Degree Streaming Media Events

Producing Live 8K, 360-Degree Streaming Media Events This custom white paper from Heavy Reading delves into a prime example of the rich new media technologies and services, exploring how the Visual Cloud can enable live 8K, 360-degree media streaming. It discusses how content, service, and cloud providers, as well as other players, can produce 8K VR live streaming media events without streaming more than 4K worth of pixels. It also examines the value that next-gen platforms promise to bring to all players in the video streaming chain. Intel is an industry leader, creating world-changing technology that enables global progress and enriches lives. Inspired by Moore’s Law, we continuously work to advance the design and manufacturing of semiconductors to help address our customers’ greatest challenges. By embedding intelligence in the cloud, network, edge and every kind of computing device, we unleash the potential of data to transform business and society for the better. To learn more about Intel’s innovations, go to newsroom.intel.com and intel.com. Read More Please fill the form below to download the whitepaper.

State of the CDP Report 2020

State of the CDP Report 2020: How Organizations Buy, Implement and Use CDPs

State of the CDP Report 2020: How Organizations Buy, Implement and Use CDPs We asked over 300 U.S. marketing, analytics and data decision makers how they leverage CDPs today, the challenges they face with current vendors and their future plans for CDP technology. Download now to discover the key findings and how to: Make sense of the CDP landscape Use CDPs to break down internal silos Prepare for the future of data orchestration Set up your organization for data success Read More Please fill the form below to download the whitepaper.


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